Software Engineering in Organizations: Lessons and Status Reports are a new element in the ICSE program. The reports are intended to provide software engineering professionals with a picture of interesting and innovative software engineering work and research in the areas of software engineering practices, procedures, techniques, products, and organizational structures.
Our goal in presenting the Lessons and Status Reports is to provide software engineers with:
We encourage submissions from institutions, organizations, and groups within companies, universities, and government. For example, company submissions are welcome from small product development teams in start-up companies to SEPGs to established software groups in large companies. We also encourage submissions from the broadest range of applications, from single-user PC software to global, enterprise-wide solutions. We are looking for lessons, procedures, techniques, approaches, products, and new perspectives on old problems that stimulate practicing software engineers, R&D organizations, and software engineering researchers, and which can be learned and applied.
We expect submissions that:
The submissions should emphasize:
We aim to bring together people to report about their work with the focus on giving the "big picture" rather than the technically interesting spotlight on a singular scientific result.
Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to make a 30 minute presentation at the conference.
We have included a sample submission to illustrate what a good status report might contain. The submission is an example of an experience report on the use of an innovative software engineering technique.
Reports may describe software engineering work in:
Proposals will be reviewed for acceptance based on the interest to members of the software engineering community and the objective of informing the community of software engineering activities world wide.
Proposals may also be solicited from organizations. Solicited proposals will be subject to the same review process and criteria as proposals submitted in response to this call.
Proposed Lessons and Status Reports must be prepared in the Conference Proceedings format. Proposals must not exceed two pages in length.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the end of November 1996. Accepted reports will be published in the ICSE 97 Conference Proceedings.
The primary author of each accepted report will receive an Author Kit with detailed instructions on how to submit camera-ready materials for publication. These materials are due on 24 February 1997.
At the conference, the Status Report should be presented by a major participant in the work. The presentation should be based on the material described in the Status Report summary. It should be appropriate for a 30-minute verbal presentation that includes 5 minutes for audience questions.
Please follow the steps in this checklist to ensure completeness of your submission.
Elliot Chikofsky
DMR Group
404 Wyman Street, Suite 450
Waltham, MA 02154
Tel: +1-617-272-0099
Fax: +1-617-272-8464
Ian Thomas
Ian Thomas and Associates
650 Castro St, Suite 120-274
Mountain View, CA 94041, USA
Tel: +1-415-390-0833
Fax: +1-415-964-1997