Workshops provide an opportunity for a group of participants to exchange ideas on a topic, either research or applied. Workshops are held before the formal conference and may be one, one and a half, or two days in length. Workshops can be a valuable forum for exchange of ideas among individuals with different perspectives on a topic. Workshops are not alternative forums for full papers which otherwise could be submitted to ICSE. Participation in workshops is typically dependent on submission of position statements.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed by a committee representing a cross-section of Software Engineering researchers and professionals. Acceptance will be based on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for generating useful results, the timeliness and expected interest level in the topic, and the organizer's ability to lead a successful workshop.
You should prepare a proposal which will be used in the review process, a summary to be published in the ICSE 97 Conference Proceedings if the rkshop is accepted, and a Call for Participation.
Prepare a three-page proposal for the workshop review committee. Workshop proposals should contain:
Feel free to discuss your ideas with the Co-Chairs before submitting.
Prepare a one-page summary of the workshop, suitable for publication in the ICSE 97 Conference Proceedings. The summary should contain the title, organizer's name, organizer contact information, keywords, and a summary of the issues and goals of the workshop. This summary must be prepared in the Conference Proceedings Format (pages 13-14), except that no abstract is required.
Prepare a 250-word Call for Participation describing the workshop and the participant selection process. The Call will be disseminated electronically, published in the ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE Newsletters, and the ICSE 97 Advance Program, if the workshop is accepted.
Organizers will be notified of acceptance or rejection by the end of May 1996.
Summaries of accepted workshops will be published in the ICSE 97 Conference Proceedings.
The organizer is responsible for:
Production of a proceedings for the workshop, if desired, will be the complete responsibility of the workshop organizer. ICSE 97 maybe able to assist with this, however. Interested parties should contact the Workshops Coordinators for more information.
The organizer is responsible for facilitating discussion by helping to establish and maintain a productive interaction and encouraging participation. In workshops, the emphasis is typically on group discussion of a topic rather than presentations of individuals' positions with follow-up questions. Diversity of perspectives should be encouraged.
ICSE 97 will provide meeting rooms, coffee breaks, and audio-visual support for workshops. Workshop participants, including organizers, will be charged a fee to cover this support. If a proceedings is produced, its costs must also be covered by the registration fee.
It is important for the results of a workshop to be communicated to a larger audience. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, such as by holding a Special Interest Group meeting at the conference. In any case, workshops are expected to produce a poster describing the workshop for the ICSE 97 poster session, and a report on the workshop for publication in Software Engineering Notes.
Reino Kurki-Suonio
Tampere University of Technology
P.O. Box 553
FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland
Tel: +358 31 316 2699
Fax: +358 31 316 2913
Lawrence G. Votta
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room 1G347
1000 E. Warrenville Road
Naperville, Illinois 60566, USA
Tel: +1-708-713-4612
Fax: +1-708-713-4982