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ICSE 97:

Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium Chair: Michal Young, Purdue University (USA)
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The ICSE 97 Doctoral Consortium is a one day workshop prior to the regular ICSE technical conference. The goal of the doctoral consortium is to publicly discuss research goals, methods, and results at an early enough stage in Ph.D. research to provide useful guidance in completion of the dissertation research and initiation of a research career. The consortium and ICSE will also provide an opportunity for student participants to interact with established researchers and others in the wider software engineering community.

A limited number of student participants will be offered support in the form of complementary admission to the consortium and ICSE 97.


1 November 1996
5:00 p.m. (17:00) local time at receiving address.

Who should submit?

Student participants should consider participating in the doctoral consortium at least six months before completion of their dissertation, but after having settled on a research area or thesis topic.

Review process

Each prospective student participant will submit a package of materials for consideration by the consortium organizing committee. The committee will select participants on the basis of their anticipated contribution to the workshop goals. Among the criteria that will be considered in reviewing submissions are:

  • The quality of the research, as evidenced by submitted materials, and its relevance to software engineering.
  • The stage of the research. The organizers will seek to select students across a range of research stages.
  • Diversity of background, research topic, and approach.

How to submit

To apply as a student participant in the Doctoral Consortium, prepare a submission package consisting of three parts listed below. Each of these parts must be submitted electronically by the listed deadlines; hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.

General Information

  • Name of Student Participant
  • Name of thesis Advisor
  • University and Department
  • Full mailing address (repeat information from above as needed), including country and postal code.
  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Electronic mail address
  • Electronic mail address of thesis advisor
  • Universal resource locator (URL), if available
  • Related submissions (e.g., if you are also submitting a technical paper to ICSE)
  • Brief description of research topic (25 words or less)
  • 2 to 5 key words and phrases

Research Abstract

Submit an abstract describing your dissertation research. Your abstract should be at least 2 pages, but not more than 5 pages long, when prepared according to the format guidelines below.

The research abstract should clearly indicate:

  • The research area or sub-area of your work.
  • The relation of your research to prior work in that area.
  • The expected contribution of your dissertation research.
  • The methods you are using or will use to carry out your research. It is particularly important to describe a plan for evaluating your work and presenting credible evidence of your results to the research community.

Students at relatively early stages of their research will have some difficulty addressing some of these areas. Nonetheless, each prospective student participant should address them as well as possible.

Letter of recommendation

Ask your thesis advisor to submit a letter of recommendation to The letter of recommendation must include an assessment of the current status of your thesis research, and an expected date for thesis submission.


The general information packet and letter of recommendation should be plain ASCII text with no markup.

Research abstracts may be submitted in any of the following formats:

  • Level 1 PostScript, with all fonts included except Times, Helvetica, and Symbol.
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Plain ASCII text with no markup

Each research abstract must be a single file. Typeset abstracts should be set in 12 point type on a 14 point baseline, with 1 inch margins on all sides. Please note that this format is for initial submissions only.

Upon Acceptance

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be transmitted electronically by 10 December 1996. Hardcopy letters of acceptance (only) and offers of complimentary conference registration will also be mailed by 10 December 1996.

Final versions of thesis abstracts for inclusion in the electronic proceedings are due by 15 February 1997. These abstracts must be prepared according to the ICSE Conference Proceedings format. Signed copyright release forms are also due by 15 February 1997.

Ground Rules

  • All submitted materials must be in English.
  • All materials must be submitted electronically in the formats listed above. Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.
  • Your submission should contain no proprietary or confidential material and should cite no proprietary or confidential publications.
  • Responsibility for permissions to use video, audio or pictures of identifiable people rests with you, not ICSE 97.
  • If your submission is accepted, it will not be published without copyright release forms signed by you.

Send To

The general information should be submitted using electronic mail to by the date listed above under Deadline. The subject line of the email message should be Application. Your packet will be acknowledged within 7 days.

The letter of recommendation should be submitted using electronic mail to by the date listed above under Deadline. The subject line of the email message should be Recommendation for XXX, where XXX is the name of the student applicant.

The research abstract should be submitted electronically using ftp (preferred) or electronic mail to Directions for submitting by ftp and electronic mail can be obtained by sending a message with subject line Instructions to

For more information

To contact the ICSE 97 Doctoral Consortium Chair send e-mail to
1997 International Conference on Software Engineering
Last modified: 10 May 1997