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Tutorial 1C

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Software-Reliability-Engineered Testing Practice

John D. Musa

SRET is testing of software-based systems which employs reliability objectives and profiles of system use to speed testing while ensuring the necessary reliability. It helps us deal with the pressure to get software-based products to market faster while still meeting customer reliability needs. You will learn how to perform the major activities of SRET: defining "necessary" reliability, developing operational profiles, preparing for testing, executing tests, and interpreting failure data. The tutorial uses a simple but realistic example throughout to illustrate the points.

John D. Musa, an independent consultant, was recently Technical Manager of Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. He is a creator of the field of software reliability engineering and is widely recognized as the leader in its practical application. He initiated and spearheaded SRE practice at AT&T and was involved in developing most of the details. Musa is a Fellow of the IEEE, and an international leader in software engineering

1997 International Conference on Software Engineering
Last modified: 10 May 1997