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ICSE 97:

Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering Education (IWSEE4)

an ICSE 97 Workshop, Friday May 23rd, 1997
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There are at least four ways that students and industry people learn software engineering:
  1. Software Engineering academic degree programs
  2. Software Engineering material integrated into general academic computing degree programs such as Computer Science, Information Systems or Informatics.
  3. Graduate academic programs in software engineering
  4. Continuing education and on the job training.
The Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering Education is particularly concerned with the successes, failures and comparisons of these approaches, though the Workshop is open to discussion of all experiences with traditional and new approaches for teaching Software Engineering to students and/or practitioners.


Participation will be limited. Participants will be chosen based on position statements which are due by April 4, 1997. These statements will be made available electronically to all attendees.

Organizing Committee

Jochen Ludewig, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jane Prey, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Laurie Werth, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
John Werth, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.


The workshop fee will be $85; see the ICSE 97 registration.

Please address all inquiries to

Laurie or John Werth
Department of Computer Science
University of Texas, Austin
Austin Texas, 78712
+1(512)471-9535 (L Werth Office)
+1(512)471-9583 (J Werth Office)

+1(512)471-8885 (FAX)
1997 International Conference on Software Engineering
Last modified: 10 May 1997