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International Conference on Software Engineering
Buenos Aires, Argentina
May 19-25, 2002

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ICSE 2002 Technical Papers

Technical papers describe innovative and significant work in Software Engineering research and practice. Papers are collected in an archival, refereed conference proceedings, published by ACM/IEEE, which is cited and read by researchers and practitioners world-wide. Accepted papers are presented at the ICSE conference, attended by hundreds of people. Having a paper on the technical program gives authors an opportunity to have a tremendous impact on the study and application of Software Engineering principles, theory, and techniques.

Paper submissions to ICSE are reviewed rigorously by the Program Committee, who are volunteers drawn from the international technical community of Software Engineering researchers and professionals. Papers will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness of rationale and evidence, quality of written and graphic presentation, and appropriate comparison of results to relevant research and literature. Because there is no revision cycle, the content and presentation of submitted papers must be essentially acceptable as received.

Types of Technical Papers


The software engineering community consists of researchers and practitioners from many different disciplines and intellectual traditions. Technical papers report on a full range of topics relevant to this community, including software engineering principles, theories, techniques, tools, and empirical evaluations.

List of Technical Paper Topics

How To Submit

Submission of abstracts followed by full papers will be accepted electronically beginning August 2001, using a web form. Submission of an abstract by September 10 is required before submission of a full paper. In brief, you must follow these steps:

  1. Submit an abstract via electronic submission. Submission of an abstract by September 10 is required before submission of a full paper. The abstract must be plain ASCII text only—no markup, no html, no rtf or binary word processor formats. The abstract is limited to 200 words. The web form also requires keywords and classification of your paper as an aid to selection of suitable reviewers from the program committee.
  2. Submit a full paper via electronic submission. Full papers must appear in the standard conference proceedings format (note: LaTeX submissions should use the option 2 templates), and must not exceed 11 pages including references, appendices, and figures. All submissions should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF). Hardcopy submissions, submissions in other formats, submissions exceeding 11 pages, and submissions not conforming to the conference format will be rejected without review.

Submission form

Additional Instructions for Authors

The standard ACM conference proceedings format includes sections for keywords, general terms, and categories and subject descriptors. Do not include these sections in your paper.

Authors using the LaTeX "option 2" templates: The option 2 templates produce papers formatted for A4 paper by default, however ICSE 2002 requires papers formatted for US Letter paper. To produce a document formatted for US Letter paper, use LaTeX to produce a .dvi file, and then run the following command:

dvips -t letter -o paper.dvi

This produces a postcript paper formatted for US Letter paper. You may then use the Acrobat Distiller to create a .pdf file for submission. If you have questions concerning the use of the LaTeX templates, contact Michal Young.

Note: If you are using the ACM LaTeX templates with pdflatex and encounter a problem in which the PDF document is formatted for A4 paper and not US Letter paper, you can solve the problem with a solution provided by Eric Eide. The trick is to place a file called pdftex.cfg in the same directory as your LaTeX source files. The contents of this file should look something like this:

% Thomas Esser, 1998, 1999, public domain.
output_format 1
compress_level 9
decimal_digits 3
page_width 8.5in
page_height 11in
horigin 1in
vorigin 1in
% is set up by texmf/dvips/config/updmap
% This shows how to add your own map file.
% Remove the comment and adjust the name:
% map

This file ensures that pdflatex produces documents formatted for US Letter paper. Eric also recommends looking for the pdftex.cfg file for your site's pdflatex installation. You can then use this file as a starting point for your local pdftex.cfg. Thanks, Eric, for this information!

Review Process

Each submitted paper conforming to the submission guidelines will be reviewed by a group of at least three members of the Program Committee. The committee members will develop a summary review and recommendation for acceptance or rejection, in addition to comments directed to paper authors. Final decisions will be made at a program committee meeting, where the committee as a whole will review the recommendations and rationale made by the reviewers. Authors will be notified of the committee decision, and provided with comments from the reviewers, by electronic mail.

Important Dates

Abstract:10 September 2001
Full paper:25 September 2001
Notification of Acceptance:07 December 2001

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