Note: All workshops will follow the ICSE '05 standard
daily schedule.
W1 |
First International Workshop
on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing (A-MOST'05) |
W2 |
Software Engineering for
Secure Systems -- Building Trustworthy Applications (SESS'05) |
W3 |
Fourth International Workshop
on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS'05) |
W4 |
Second International Workshop
on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing System Applications (SE-HPCS'05) |
W5 |
The Seventh International Workshop on Economics-Driven
Software Engineering Research (EDSER) |
W6 |
Workshop on Modeling and
Analysis of Concerns in Software (MACS) |
W7 |
Human and Social factors
of Software Engineering (HSSE) |
W8 |
Realizing Evidence-Based
Software Engineering (REBSE) |
W9 |
Third Workshop on Software
Quality (3-WoSQ) |
W10 |
International Workshop on
Mining Software Repositories (MSR'05) |
W11 |
Workshop on Architecting
Dependable Systems (WADS) |
W12 |
Predictor Models in Software
Engineering (PROMISE) |
W13 |
Third International Workshop
on Dynamic Analysis (WODA'05) |
W14 |
Open Source Application
Spaces: Fifth Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering
(5-WOSSE) |
W15 |
Second International Workshop
on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems (SEAS) |
W16 |
Second International Workshop
on Models and Processes for the Evaluation of off-the-shelf Components (MPEC'05) |
W17 |
Fourth International
Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms and Tools
(SCESM'05) |
W18 |
First Workshop on
End-User Software Engineering (WEUSE I) |
W19 |
Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application Software (DEAS'05) |
First International Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing
15 - 16 May 2005
Director's Row #41 [Floor
The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to advance
the state of the art AND the state of the practice in model-based software
A premise of model-based software testing is the creation of models of
the software being tested as opposed to adhoc and manual creation of
test suites.
Topics covered will include approaches for creating models, automated
test generation, and metrics and economics of using this approach.
Software Engineering for Secure Systems -- Building Trustworthy Applications
15 - 16 May 2005
Director's Row #42 [Floor
As software is going to permeate every aspect of our society, an increasing
attention to its social side-effects is needed. Security is obviously an important
one, because most of our daily activities assume availability of reliable and
trustworthy software systems. The software industry has to deal with the problem
of building secure programs in an economic way, thus software engineers and
security researchers should work together to mature enough knowledge in the
Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent
15 - 16 May 2005
Director's Row #43 [Floor
Software is becoming present in every aspect
of our lives, pushing us inevitably towards a world of distributed, context-aware
computing systems. SELMAS’05, "Software Everywhere – Context-Aware
Agents”, builds on the success of precedent SELMAS workshops, but with
a special emphasis on the impact of the agent technology in the development
of large context-aware systems. SELMAS’05 has a track record of bringing
together researchers and practitioners with a variety of perspectives in
order to engage in lively discussion and debate.
Second International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance
Computing System Applications
May 2005
Director's Row #47 [Floor
High performance computing systems are used to develop software for wide variety
of domains including nuclear physics, crash simulation, bioinformatics, and
financial modeling. Recent initiatives in the HPCS community recognize that
dramatic increases in low-level HPCS benchmarks do not necessarily translate
into high-level increases in actual development productivity. This interdisciplinary
workshop brings together the SE and HPCS communities to share perspectives
and define a research agenda for improving HPC development productivity.
Seventh International Workshop on Economics-Driven Software
Engineering Research
15 May 2005
Director's Row #46 [Floor
Software development is driven by economics, yet we lack economic models to
describe and guide it. Past software economics work addressed cost and schedule
but not value creation. We need models, tools, and methods to design for
value. Other forums address business issues. EDSER seeks to foster research
on economics for software development. Topics of interest include
economic models, methods, and tools for security, self-reconfiguration, requirements
analysis, architectural design, staffing, scheduling, testing, competition,
and evolution.
Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Concerns in Software
16 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom C [Floor
Many software engineering activities are organized around the idea of concerns.
Separation of concerns is a basic tenet of software engineering intended to
facilitate the development and evolution of software systems. Unfortunately,
separation of concerns is not always possible in practice, and concerns often
end up scattered and tangled. The goal of the MACS workshop is to bring together
researchers and practitioners with interest and experience in techniques for
modeling and analyzing the realization of concerns in software systems.
Human and Social factors of Software Engineering
May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom B [Floor
To make the social and human factors of software
engineering more explicit, the Workshop “Human and social factors of
software engineering” focuses on the human communication and the social
environment of software developers. The workshop looks at software engineering
from a perspective of agile methods and communication theory in order to
point out solutions and conditions for human-centered software engineering
processes. The workshop originated in order to provide a forum in which the
latest developments in the field of human centered software engineering could
be discussed.
Realizing Evidence-Based Software Engineering
17 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom C [Floor
To advance as a discipline, software engineering
needs to move away from its dependence upon advocacy and conceptual analysis,
to being able to employ more systematic empirically-based approaches to understanding
what works, why, and when. This workshop aims to advance the process of building
up a community that will review, analyze and promulgate empirical results,
in order to provide evidence to others about the quality, reliability and
trustworthiness of software and development practices.
Third Workshop on Software Quality
17 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom F [Floor
The Third Workshop on Software Quality aims to
bring together academic, industrial and commercial communities interested
in software quality in order to discuss the different technologies that have
been defined and used in the software quality area, with topics of interest
to this discussion spanning the full range of software quality issues.
International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories
17 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom G [Floor
This one-day workshop brings together researchers,
and practitioners to consider methods to use the data stored in software
repositories (such as source control systems, defect tracking systems, and
archived project communications) to further understanding of software development
practices. Presentations and discussions in this workshop will facilitate
the definition of challenges, ideas and approaches to transform software
repositories from static record keeping repositories to active repositories
used by researchers to gain empirically based understanding of software development,
and by practitioners to predict and plan various aspects of their project.
Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems
17 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom H [Floor
This workshop will continue the initiative of
bringing together the international communities of software architectures
and dependability. This series of workshops (
have shown to be a fertile ground for both communities, in which four workshops
were organised and two followup books were published. Architectural level
reasoning about dependability is an important theme in software development,
considering the growing complexity of emerging applications and the trend
of building trustworthy systems from existing untrustworthy systems.
Predictor Models in Software Engineering
15 May 2005
Director's Row #48 [Floor
Predictive software models (PSMs) are models
built from software engineering data that can readily be used to make a prediction
regarding some aspect of the software, without requiring further expert interpretation.
PROMISE workshop's main goals are: a) To address questions related to predictive
software models. b) To promote repeatability, verifiability and facilitate
the cross-comparison of results. Hence, submissions to this workshop must
include a paper and data at some publicly available URL (Data can come from
anywhere, including the workshop website).
Third International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis
17 May 2005
Director's Row #41 [Floor
Dynamic analysis techniques reason over program
executions and show promise in aiding the development of robust and reliable
large-scale systems. The limitations of static analysis often can be overcome
by dynamic analysis; the performance and value of dynamic analyses can be
improved by static analyses. WODA 2005 will bring together researchers and
practitioners working in all areas of dynamic analysis of software systems,
to share results and ongoing work, encourage discussion, and foster research
Open Source Application Spaces: 5th Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering
17 May 2005
Director's Row #42 [Floor
The goal of the workshop is to bring together
researchers and practitioners for the purpose of building a roadmap of the
ways in which various computing application spaces (e.g. mobile/embedded
computing, ambient intelligence, business domain verticals and horizontals,
Web services/semantic web, etc.) have been impacted by open source software
and also by open source development methods, tools and organizational structures.
^ Top
Second International Workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems
21 May 2005
Director's Row #42 [Floor
The 2nd intl. workshop on software engineering
for automotive systems (SEAS) is intended to provide a discussion forum
for researchers and practitioners working in or interested in the field
of automotive software. A particular goal is to discuss established software
engineering concepts for their adoption to the automotive domain towards
an explicit discipline of software engineering including tailored techniques
and methods for automotive software.
Second International Workshop on Models and Processes for the Evaluation of off-the-shelf
21 May 2005
Director's Row #46 [Floor
The construction of service-based software
systems, composed of several interconnected off-the-shelf components
(COTS, open source, web services, etc.), requires some activities to
be performed, among which we find component evaluation, that is becoming
increasingly more critical, due to the ever-growing number of component
domains and products available. This workshop focuses on the study of
the models for representing evaluation criteria and the evaluations themselves,
as well as the processes to conduct the evaluation.
Scenarios and state machines have emerged as two important modeling perspectives
on the reactive behavior of complex systems. Scenarios typically represent
a partial view on the interactions between multiple components; state machines
typically represent the complete behavior of individual components. This
workshop will investigate methodologies, models and tools making it possible
to unleash the full potentials of these complimentary views in the development
of complex, reactive systems.
First Workshop on End-User Software Engineering
21 May 2005
Director's Row #48 [Floor
End-user programmers create large amounts of software, using programming
environments such as spreadsheets, web authoring tools, and matlab. Unfortunately,
the software these users create is often undependable. The First Workshop
on End-User Software Engineering will focus on the challenges faced by researchers
addressing this problem. Its goals are to help researchers understand the
problems faced by end-user programmers, and other issues impacting research
in this area, and to help them establish connections with other researchers.
Design and Evolution of Autonomic Application Software
21 May 2005
St. Louis Ballroom C [Floor
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners,
who investigate concepts, methods, techniques, and tools to design and evolve
autonomic software. Autonomic computing aims to reduce the complexity of
managing software systems. To be autonomic, a system must configure and reconfigure
itself, continually optimize itself, recover from malfunction, or protect
itself, while keeping its complexity hidden from the user. Understanding
software engineering issues is critical for the proliferation of autonomic