
ICSE 2005 features a wide range of coordinated events that aim to provide a comprehensive, informative program for software engineering professionals, researchers, managers, and students. We invite you to contribute to our program.

The table below lists the types of submissions encouraged, and provides links to pages providing further information on each submission type. Deadlines for submission vary with submission type, and are summarized on the Important Dates page. Details on submission process also vary with submission type: some submissions will be accepted electronically, others via email. The table below indicates whether submissions are open and, where appropriate, provides links to submission sites, per submission type.

Instructions regarding submission formats and templates are available on the Submission Format page. (Not all submissions are required to adhere to this format; check the instructions for your contribution type by following the appropriate link in the leftmost column below.)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL AUTHORS: The page limits for all submissions will be strictly enforced. Papers exceeding the limits will be rejected without review. Please see individual submission instructions (by clicking on items in the left column) for page limits.

Additionally, papers must strictly adhere to the ACM/ICSE policies regarding publication policies, copyright policies, and duplicate submissions.

Submission Type
Information for authors of accepted papers
Research Papers
To report on novel research into the theory and practice of software engineering.

Submissions Closed

Experience Reports
To establish a dialogue between software researchers and developers about the benefits and weaknesses of current software engineering research.

Submissions Closed

Education & Training Reports
To report on problems, relevant experiences, and novel insights in educational activities.

Submissions Closed
Tutorial Proposals
To give short courses on software engineering practices, techniques,
and theories.

Submissions Closed

Workshop Proposals

To provide a forum for small groups of participants to interact on focused
research topics.

Submissions Closed
Doctoral Symposium
To provide useful guidance to Ph.D. students about their research goals, methods, and results.

Submissions Closed
Research Demonstations
To report on prototypes and novel software engineering frameworks and tools.

Submissions Closed
Invited Papers
State of the Art, State of the Practice, and Extending the Discipline speakers are invited to submit papers related to their talks.

Submissions Closed
New Software Engineering Faculty Symposium
Everything you always wanted to know about being a Software Engineering faculty member (but didn't know what or whom to ask).
No Submission Required