Please read this document.
Your primary job as a student volunteer is to help conference attendees, workshop
organizers, tutorial instructors, session chairs, and conference organizers
in any way possible. Being a student volunteer is a privilege and you will
find that conference attendees will treat you with great respect and appreciation.
In return we expect you to take your job seriously and to always try to have
a positive, friendly attitude. We realize that you cannot possibly know the
answer to every question that may be asked, but please familiarize yourself
with the attached FAQ page and carry it with you at all times.
As a volunteer, there are certain benefits as well as constraints. In particular:
1) You may attend the receptions free of charge, but we ask that you refrain
from the refreshments for the first 30 minutes to let the majority of the paid
attendees access to the buffet tables, etc.
2) You may enjoy the morning and afternoon refreshments; refraining for the
first 15 minutes of the break to allow the majority of the paid attendees access
to the refreshment tables.
4) You will receive free (subject to availability) a conference proceedings
and bag/mug/pen.
5) You will get to attend a tutorial or workshop of your choice for free,
and receive a workshop proceedings or tutorial handout, subject to availability
(after all paid attendees receive one).
What follows are brief descriptions of ICSE Student Volunteers Jobs.
General Responsibilities
1. During the conference you will need to report to the ICSE Office (by the
registration desk) approximately one hour before the beginning of the activities
that day. Your duties will end approximately one hour after the last scheduled
activity that day.
2. During the day you may be assigned several jobs. In most instances we will
try to match your interests with the activities that need to be accomplished.
Time Requirements
1. You should be prepared to work for at least 4 hour blocks of time. Those
working the registration desk should be prepared to work a full 8 hour shift.
2. We will need all volunteers on Sunday, May 15 to prepare the conference
site and prepare conference bags for attendees. Fewer volunteers will be needed
towards the end of the week.
Registration Desk
1. Before starting, familiarize yourself with registration material and where
bags, proceedings, etc. are located.
2. For pre-registered attendees, ask the attendee for name/identification.
3. Find the appropriate registration envelope (the envelopes are organized
4. Check the envelope contents and ask the attendee to check if everything
is correct.
5. Give the attendee the appropriate conference material (e.g. bag, tutorial
notes, proceedings, etc.).
6. Inform the attendee that they have a choice of badge holders (chord or
clip-on) and give them the one they want (if there is a selection left).
7. If appropriate, inform the attendee that the ribbons have two-sided tape
and that they can easily attach their ribbon to the badge holder.
8. Note: Registration staff will handle all non-pre-registered attendees and
any registration problems.
Reception Helper
1. For the first hour of the reception, stand at the door and ask the attendee
to show you their reception ticket.
Workshop Helper
1. Check to see
if the room needs one of the conference supplied projectors rather than
a hotel supplied projector.
If so, “check one out” from
the Conference office. You will also be responsible for bringing it back
during lunch and after the workshop is over. (Unfortunately, we need
to take this
precaution because there have been AV thieves who like to steal projectors
from conferences in the area.)
2. Look in the
program and familiarize yourself with the workshop organizers’ names.
3. Make sure the sign outside the meeting room door is correct.
4. Introduce yourself to the organizers.
5. Check the attendees’ credentials.
6. Assist the workshop organizers in distributing materials and with any other
matters required (e.g., making extra copies, getting a flipchart, any problems
with the projector, etc.)
7. Note: If the room is too crowded call the registration desk and we will
arrange for more tables/chairs.
8. Check the room after for any material that was left and bring it to the
office if found.
9. Hand out and collect evaluation forms from each workshop.
Tutorial Helper
1. Same as Workshop Helper, except you need to be a little more careful checking
attendee credentials.
2. Note: If we have run out of tutorial handouts, we will deliver them to
the back of the room as soon as they become available, at which time you may
help distribute them.
Banquet Helper
1. Collect tickets for lunches/banquets.
Conference Session Helper
1. Look in the
program and familiarize yourself with the session chair’s
2. Make sure the sign outside the session room door is correct.
3. Introduce yourself to the session chair.
4. Assist the session chair with any other matters required (e.g., any problems
with the projector, sound, etc.).
5. Check the room after for any material that was left and bring any found
articles to the office.
6. Note: If this
is a keynote session collect questions starting 30 minutes after the
beginning of the talk. (Note: you
will be given a small sign reading “questions” and
you must walk up and down the aisle every 5-10 minutes looking for people
to give you questions written on paper.) You should then bring the questions
the session chair.
General Office Helper
1. Prepare conference bags.
2. Organize material on exhibitor tables if necessary.
3. Put messages on message board.
4. Run errands as necessary.